Saturday 24 November 2012

does love repeats

                                        In everyone’s life there are some romantic memories. Everyone in their adulthood age fell in romantic relationship. During adulthood age both physical and psychological development occurs. The gender difference comes into mind and one feels attraction for an opposite gender. Normally these physical and psychological changes come into effect during the teen ages. It is the period when a person enjoys maximum physical and mental liberty. He hardly thinks about the consequences of his actions and works as he wish and acts as he wants.
                                          In this age, when someone come in the proximity of an opposite gender he feels attraction which is explained by Freud as infatuations. Infatuation is explained as a very strong emotion or feeling for someone of opposite gender when they come frequently in our proximity. But due to these infatuations we fall in love. When someone starts loving someone else, he virtually lives in a different world. Most of the time he thinks about the other person he love and finally he gather courage band speak out his feelings to the person he love. Then if the other person accepts his love and expresses same feelings to him, again a new story in a new world begins.
                                            They spent time with each other. They get engaged in long interpersonal communications and thus intimacy increases between the two persons. They share their feelings and emotions and feel extreme happiness being together. These days become the happiest days of their life. But apart from all these there is another life which is very tough and one has to struggle and has to prove his potential to convince people about his desires and wishes. Then only they can do whatever they want. Apart from this everyone don’t get his love during these days. There may be other reasons also. The person whom one loves, he/she may not have the same feelings for him/her and he/she may refuse his/her proposal. Here starts the problem. When we are in the teen ages, we don’t have patience to think about something carefully. When any such thing happens we feel very bad and depressed. Some students feel very lonely and they forget their studies and feel very sad also. But all such reactions are unnecessary and make bad impact on us. We have to keep in our mind that, we can’t get everything we want and one whom we love may or may not have the same feelings for us.
                                                Apart from all these the language and meaning of love is very different. Love always gives, to everyone involved in it, happiness and pleasure. It is the thing which keeps us happy and motivates us to make all of them happy whom we love. We love someone it does not mean that we will get him/her. In case one fails in love due to any reason, he doesn't need to feel depressed or sad. He/she need to think about his responsibilities for other relations he has, like parents, friends and relatives who also love him and care for him. They don’t want to see him depressed and sad. One needs to be happy for being in love irrespective of the result of such romantic relationship.
                                                  Another fact is that, if a person gives time to himself and remains happy and carries on his work as usual, he will again get the same emotions and feelings for someone else. Again he will feel the infatuations, again he will feel attractions and again he will find the same romantic feeling and love in someone else if he remains happy and positive. Love is not a thing that will come for one person only; it will be there inside us till our end. It will drive us towards happiness and satisfaction in life. It will happen again and again till one finds his correct match. So, let us be happy always and let us love everyone around us and let us not differentiate love in friendship, family and romance etc. Love is the base of all relations we have and we are going to have in future. It is the reason which makes us happy and it is the thing inside us which drives us to make others happy also.

Everyone has a romantic chapter in his book of life. This chapter begins when a person is going through his adulthood ages. In this age one feels strong emotions and feelings for someone of opposite gender when they come frequently in our proximity. It is termed as infatuation by Freud. When one is in love he/she virtually lives in a different world. The days of these love and romance are the most beautiful days of one’s life.
Love always creates happiness and good will. But problem occurs when one don’t succeed in getting his love. He feels depressed and sad. But such reactions are unnecessary. Love does mean getting someone. We have to keep in mind that we can’t get everything we love. We need to be happy in such situations also, for being in love irrespective of the result of such love relationship. Because love doesn't end with one person or thing, it repeats in life again and again if a person remains happy and positive. No one can stop us in loving someone silently.

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